Let’s unleash your potential.
Whether you want to transform your business, have questions related to the services, need advice, or just want to chat, you’ve come to the right place.
Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch within one business day to set up a time for a one-on-one consultation.
You can also reach us directly at contact@novediacreative.com or by calling 1-646-681-3021. Be sure to include your name, contact information, details about your project or any questions you might have.
Don’t want to wait? Book Now
We look forward to working with you.

Let’s unleash your potential.

Whether you want to transform your business, have questions related to the services, need advice, or just want to chat, you’ve come to the right place.
Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch within one business day to set up a time for a one-on-one consultation.
You can also reach us directly at contact@novediacreative.com or by calling 1-646-681-3021. Be sure to include your name, contact information, details about your project or any questions you might have.
Don’t want to wait? Book Now
We look forward to working with you.
If you’re still on the fence, here are some commonly asked questions that might clear things up for you.
GET IN TOUCH: First, we’ll talk. We’ll briefly discuss the basis of the project, any challenges you are facing, and what you’re looking to accomplish. We’ll then send you an estimated quote range. And yes, we’ll be sure to answer your questions, too. This process is a two-way street. You’re interviewing us, and we’re interviewing you. We want you to feel confident in your choice. Don’t worry, this stage is completely obligation (and stress) free. No need for that wallet just yet.
TIME FOR DETAILS: Ready to move forward? Great! This is where we’ll talk some more. We’ll book an hour-long consultation ($225) with you to really get down to the nitty gritty of your business, your goals, your pain points, and your options. This is also where you can ask us questions to your heart’s content. In fact, we expect it. Your comfort level with us and our expertise is important to us. If we need more time to discuss things, we’ll schedule another call (or meeting) before moving on to the proposal and contract stage. After all, the more details each of us has, the more assured we’ll both feel in what each party expects, leading to the delivery of exceptional work and results. At the end of this stage, we’ll let you know the date that you’ll be receiving the proposal and exact quote.
DECIDE: Once the proposal is drawn up (quote included), we’ll give you time to look it over. Not entirely satisfied with it? That’s okay. Adjustments are all part of the process. Upon reaching mutual agreement, we’ll send you a contract to sign along with an invoice for the down payment.
WORK BEGINS: What happens after we’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, you ask? Well, that’s when the fun truly begins, as we get to work on your project! We’ll also communicate with you regularly, keeping you up to date on the progress and developments, supplying you with reports, and answering any questions you might have. Basically, think of us as your caring best friend who regularly checks in to see how you and your business are doing, and takes the essential steps in keeping both of you successful and happy.
Since every client’s needs and budget are different, service costs are determined on a per project and value rendered basis. Clients who wish to work with us on an ongoing basis are charged a monthly retainer fee, while those in need of mentoring sessions are charged per package.
During our free 20-minute discovery call, we’ll start off by asking you what type of budget you’ve set aside for the project or service you’re interested in. This helps us determine if we are the right fit for your current needs. If we are a good fit, we’ll briefly discuss the details of the project (or mentoring sessions), and provide you with an estimated range for you to review in your own time. Once you’re ready, we can move forward to the consultation and proposal stage, during which an exact quote will be drawn up.
While Novedia Creative is based in New York City, we work with clients located all over North America, Europe, and the world. Whatever your location, we can help you — all you have to do is reach out!
Currently, we are only available to meet with clients based in the New York City area. In time, we will occasionally be able to meet with clients based in Warsaw, Poland. Based elsewhere? We can still meet with you via Skype or Google Hangouts. As much of our work can be done remotely, we work with clients from all over the world.
Usually, we work with female-centric and/or consumer-centric brands and individuals (this includes entrepreneurs, small-to-medium sized businesses & brands, creatives, coaches, retailers, authors, and bloggers, among others). You can find a comprehensive list of the industries we serve on our about us page. Don’t be put off, though, if that’s not you! Because of our bespoke approach and careful market analysis, we are able to meet the needs and demands of those clients that fall outside of our standard domain. So, with that said, how can we help you?
We do! Because, let’s face it, in an already highly competitive market, who needs more enemies?
We strongly believe that by working together, we can accomplish even more creatively. Whether you want to outsource a portion of your work to us (you manage the customer, we do the work), collaborate on a project together, or have your services be available to our clients, we are dedicated to cultivating a mutually beneficial relationship with you.
So, what are you waiting for? Team up with us and let’s make clients happy together (and produce some pretty amazing projects and results in the process!). We promise you, it’ll be worthwhile and fun.
Then you’ve come to the right place! Simply book a one-on-one consultation with us and we can get started in solving your current business, content or marketing problems. You’ll leave with valuable knowledge you didn’t have before. Don’t be shy. Come pick our brains!
Need more than one session? We offer one-on-one mentoring and consultation packages.
We certainly can! Regardless of whether you need someone to come in and guide your in-house team, or someone to outsource a segment of your work to, we will work with you to achieve an end result you can be proud of.
Aside from English, most of our services are also available in Polish. As we don’t have a Polish version of the website up and running just yet, reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.
Feeling discouraged because you can’t find the service you’re looking for? Don’t be! If it falls under our area of expertise, there’s a good chance we could help you. And if we can’t, we’ll do our best to point you to someone who can.